Haunted Houses, Hauntings, Evil Spirits, Psychic Mediums, Mediums, Home Investigations

There’s Your Sign!

by | Mar 27, 2020 | Mediumship | 8 comments

Just like a spirit uses all the senses of a medium to communicate, they may use all your senses as well. Hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting and knowing are all ways you may detect the presence of your loved one..

One of the questions clients often wonder is, “Does my loved one leave me signs?” l know the client is not the only one with this on their mind, because more often than not, those in spirit eagerly share just what they are doing to make their presence known before the question is even posed out loud. A penny randomly appearing on the floor: Wiz Khalifa’s song “See You Again” playing on the radio as soon as you get in the car, a cardinal swooping by the kitchen window as you stare out wondering how you’ll know your loved one is with you and even a stranger walking by you in a crowd who, just for a moment, looks exactly like your loved one. None of these are coincidences. They’re signs.

Here’s the thing. So many people believe the only signs our passed loved ones can give us are those we can see — hearts, coins, feathers, birds, etc. but that’s just not true. Just like a spirit uses all the senses of a medium to communicate, they may use all your senses as well. Hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting and knowing are all ways you may detect the presence of your loved one. If you are someone who loves music and the lyrics of songs really speak to you, your loved one may talk with you through the lyrics of songs. Ask your loved one for a message and then listen closely to the next song you randomly hear. There’s your sign. If you’re someone who is really sensitive to energy, you may feel the energy of your loved one around you. It might feel like a sudden chill or slight vibration. There’s your sign. If you’re someone with a keen sense of smell, you may suddenly, and with no known source, smell cigarette smoke, cologne or the smell of cookies baking, bringing back cherished memories of your loved one. There’s your sign. You may even randomly taste the delicious apple fritters your grandmother used to bake every holiday or the butterscotch candies your grandfather used to sneak you when mom wasn’t looking. That taste is not so random. It’s your sign.

Sometimes, our loved ones use all our senses combined, especially if we are not acknowledging their initial attempts to communicate. Just yesterday, I was driving in my car; the radio was turned off, but suddenly it not only turned on, it came on blaring – the volume was maxed out! And the words to the song “I wonder if it was a dream. Remember how you made me crazy. Remember how I made you scream” (Just for giggles, let’s see who can name that tune) and suddenly, as quickly as the radio had come on, it turned right back off and the time on the clock just above the radio read “1:11”. I knew exactly who it was. I had a dream a few days before and I was blowing off the information that had come through that dream; acting as if it was just a coincidence (Yes, even professional mediums sometimes ignore the signs). Well, that dream was no coincidence and I knew right then and there, this friend in spirit was trying to get me to pay attention to the message in the dream. My point being, when we ignore one sign, they may try to get our attention with other signs, using other senses – and trying their best not to be ignored.

“I’m not saying everyone is a medium or able to have conversations with those in spirit, but I do believe we all have the ability to recognize the signs they are giving to remind us they are with us.”

But here’s the important part. We have to notice. Our noses can’t be buried in our phones or our minds drifting off thinking about that person who really got our goat at work today. We have to stop multi-tasking and start to take notice of the images, sounds, words, people, smells and feelings around us. Because we are always so busy, we often miss all the wonderful signs our loved ones are giving us. As we walk right by that penny they placed so precisely on the living room floor or chalk up the flickering lights to a faulty bulb or switch, or claim it’s just a coincidence when their favorite song comes on just as we are looking at pictures of them on Facebook, we are basically telling them they need to work harder because what they have given us, just isn’t enough. I don’t know about you, but when I put so much energy into showing someone I love them, and they shrug their shoulders and ignore my efforts, I feel a little disappointed. I may even ask myself “What do I have to do to get their attention? I know; I’ll slam a door or knock something off the table or make the radio volume so loud, they won’t be able to hear anything else. Then they’ll know it’s me, and they’ll have to say hello!
Just a little note here….this is when people often contact me to tell me their home is haunted. Nope, just a loved one trying their best to get your attention.

changing our perspective with a different understanding of the spirit world.  There are no evil spirits, ghosts or demons.

So, instead of making them work so hard to let us know they are still with us and loving us everyday, when you get that sign that reminds you of your loved one – no matter what it is – recognize it and be grateful for it. Say “thank you” and “I love you” (you don’t have to say it out loud, but it doesn’t hurt) just so your loved one knows how much you appreciate their efforts.

P.S. My grandmother always leaves me feathers, my dad likes to leave me dimes and my dog uses dragonflies to remind me they are with me. I’d love to hear some of the signs you get from your loved ones. Please share them in the comments below.


  1. Thank you for sharing this information I will keep a lookout for some signs. From my loved ones. I also loved reading comments from others to see what they have experienced.

    • Hi Tina! I hope you are doing well! It is fun to read about the different signs people get from their loved ones. Make sure you share what you experience. Take care?

  2. The two main things my beloved husband does for me right now are opening my attic door – sometimes WIDE OPEN and flickering my bedroom lights for me. He started flickering my living room light for me, but it became too hard. So now he does my bedroom lights – not always, but I always ask.. Of course, I am always disappointed when he doesn’t, but I realize it takes energy to do so. I always thank him profusely for these things.

    • You’re right, it does take energy for them to do the things they do; I’m so glad you know that and are all the more thankful for it. It’s funny you mention the flickering lights; just before starting my readings the other day, my lights started flickering in my room (that’s where I’m doing my virtual readings from now). I tried tightening the bulbs to make sure they weren’t loose, but it continued. I knew it was the loved one of a client I’d be seeing that day, so I asked the spirit to wait and flicker them again when I was talking to their loved one. That way I would know to share with the client this spirit likes to use that as their “I’m here” message. And of course, the loved one in spirit did what I asked?

  3. My mom sends Hawks, to me and my sister’s (one of the hardest times in my life Hawks flew with me… Like the whole drive, it was crazy). My friend Chris likes to send me hellos though a couple of songs, that often when I was really grieving played back to back. (Fire & Rain, then only the good die Young, of course!!). Without fail, if I start thinking of them, not long after I’ll see a hawk or hear one of Chris’s songs.

    • That is so awesome! I love that your mom uses hawks. They are also a reminder to look at things from a different perspective, so I wonder if in the times your mom sends them to you, she’s not only reminding you she is with you, but also to try to see the difficult times differently. (hmmm?)

  4. My father leaves pennies. My grandmother leaves hair pins.

    • Do you have a “Pennies From Heaven” jar? I got one for the pennies my grandfather was leaving and have been adding the dimes from my father.

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As an intuitive medium, one of my greatest joys is in helping people understand mediumship, so when people ask me questions, I’m excited to share what I’ve learned through my own experiences. My goal is not to persuade people to believe what I believe, but only to offer a new perspective; one that feeds your curiosity, discredits the fear-based myths and helps people understand their own experiences.

Carol Cottrell

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